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Centro de Adiestramiento de Aeronautica de Venezuela (CAAV)

About Us

Centro de Adiestramiento Aeronáutico de Venezuela (CAAV) is a leading institution in aeronautical education, committed to providing academic programs and services that form professionals with competitive standards. Our mission is to contribute to the development of civil aviation by offering theoretical and practical training programs that strengthen operational safety culture and organizational improvement. We specialize in training flight dispatchers, instructors, and other aeronautical professionals, ensuring they are equipped to perform their roles safely, efficiently, and effectively. Located in Valencia, Estado Carabobo, CAAV is dedicated to delivering reliable services, quality education, and a strong safety culture, making us a reference point in the aerocommercial sector. We are committed to the continuous formation of aeronautical professionals, meeting the needs and expectations of our clients.


South America


Local Civic Number 137-54. Valencia, Carabobo State


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