Cub Air Flight School, LLC

About Us
Cub Air Flight School, LLC, founded in 2006 by Steve and Sharon Krog, is a unique flying school located in Hartford, Wisconsin. We specialize in flight instruction using the iconic and vintage Piper J3 Cub aircraft, renowned for its ease of flight and challenging training environment. Our school is dedicated to attracting and exposing prospective pilots to the joy of flying, maintaining a tradition where "old school is still cool." We offer a range of instructional programs, including instrument flight instruction with upgraded aircraft such as the Piper Warrior and Cessna 150. Our team is passionate about aviation, and we honor the memory of our young instructor, Kylie Murray, through the Kylie's Memorial Scholarship. Join us at Cub Air Flight School to experience the classic thrill of flight.
North America
Hartford Municipal Airport 4200 Co Hwy U Hartford, WI 53027
HXF -Hartford Municipal Airport
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