Giving Wings Aviation, LLC

About Us
Giving Wings Aviation, LLC, based in Traverse City, Michigan, is a distinguished flight school located on the shores of Grand Traverse Bay at Cherry Capital Airport. Recognized by the Aircraft Owners and Pilot’s Association (AOPA), the school offers a wide range of flight training programs, including seaplane, multiengine, tailwheel, and aerobatics instruction. With a fleet of 14 aircraft, including the ICON A5, Giving Wings provides professional one-on-one training under the leadership of owner Eric Nuffer and Chief Flight Instructor Sara Lorenz. The school is committed to creating a welcoming environment, ensuring students feel valued and supported throughout their training. Giving Wings Aviation aims to produce safe and competent pilots, contributing positively to general and commercial aviation.
North America
Cherry Capital Airport 1170 Airport Access Rd Traverse City, MI 49686
TVC -Cherry Capital Airport
Fleet Size:
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